Friday, July 12, 2013

Far More Pictures Than Anyone Should Ever Post

Always fun learnin' stuff with our  Poppy!
So nice how everyone obeys at tea time here:)

"Large Family Logistics" in full swing
Singing together at the Christian Heritage Conference... a highlight of the "Wheels on the Bus 3 Day Tour" 
Seems like we're always having our own family conference?
Sweet friends Hannah and Audrey King from Montana
Heavy competition at the shooting range
Don't know where Charlie is, but this is his lovely "Mayflower", due in early August.
Popsicles with some of the King brothers and Crosby, who thinks she's one of them.
Another one of Carver's captives....later returned to its mother.
Shot by Charlie, caught by Lina and hung up to dry by Cass.
Bami and Poppy
After all these years, they still love each other and they even MATCH!
Only a boy named Crockett would climb this high?
In search of the cucumber tea sandwiches.
The world famous lollipop girl, who tossed one just like this over a balcony
and managed to land it in an unsuspecting Mama' s hair. (!)
Dr. Peter Hammond of South Africa told us his amazing stories of smuggling Bibles into Communist countries, being captured, imprisoned and beaten. A true hero, who also taught us how to drink a proper cup of tea.
Toilet paper is just so FUN!
Official meeting of the men on their way to feed Hoot and Holler...our  baby goats.
Feeding Hoot!
In honor of Campbell's 4th birthday: A Candy Land tournament.

Campbell riding the "hot rod" Bami and Poppy gave him.
Birthday flowers for Carolina. How can she be 18?!!
Celebrating with favorite friends and family, and dear Abigail and Madison.
It's always a happy day with Daddy.
Aunt Kali came all the way from Florida for hugs and kisses.
Writing class, poetry tips, an intro to couponing,  fantastic finds at Savers, hot tea, fresh garlic, grilled everything and new exciting guitar chords for Cassidy!
More goat feeding. Can you tell this farm livin' is a novelty to us?
Planning and zoning for the latest fort
The Lord provided very last minute tickets to Virginia to attend memorial services for Doug Phillips' father, Howard.
He was a longtime friend of my Dad, Don McAlvany. 
These are a few of my favorite girls: Mary, Liberty and Jubilee...
...and Beall, who is one amazing, gracious and devoted Mama.

The Air and Space Museum in DC following the funeral, with brother David and adorable nephew Declan.
Bill's Berry Farm in Sunnyside, WA.
Blueberries are the perfect height for littles to pick. It is quite possible Crosby ate an acre or so.

Last minute insanity: Threw everything into the van and headed out July 5-7 for Berry Daze to fellowship with sweet homeschooling families and help where we could.
Had a wonderful time filling our buckets while big kids directed traffic, helped with rides and lunch, and weighed berries. Big ones and Curtis camped in the tent; the less adventurous stayed at the Grapevine Inn.
Mr. Placzek and Curtis with the BEST BLUEBERRY DONUTS . 
Another adorable play area...Oh, how I long to be outdoorsy and creative!!
Highlight of whole thing:
The Animal Train.

Absolutely the cutest, artsiest, yummiest place you've ever visited.
What happy hearts we have:)