Monday, September 22, 2014

Almost Home!

Breakfast popcorn from our sweet friends. Love the no utensil, no plate idea. :)

A very non-remarkable refrigerator moment in light of very messy calamities of the past!
Big right turns send things flying if someone forgets to fasten the velcro. :) 
Love the wipe board. Former Math teacher of our clan loves to have a place to make his point! Also handy for busy girls.
Wrestling. Again. :)
Decided to spend the last several hours before getting home packing up so our "landing" would be smoother.
Carolina hung stuff. And more stuff. And more....stuff. :)
Started at the back and hauled it all forward into categories for delivery at home.
Upon arrival, putting away time for every compartment in the bus was under 1 hour.
Wahoooo. Love finding things that work!!

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