Saturday, October 14, 2017

Scenes from September!

Sending the girls off into the sunset with two practically perfect farmers has caused JUST a few ripples at our house. But we are learning as we go. :)

First Principle of Life with Many Boys:
 Keep cooking, and make sure there is ALOT of meat involved!
Working on Zucchini Fries. Crosby loves veggie things. :)
Immensely blessed by loads of fresh things from Charlie's fantastic garden!
Crosby's turkeys leaving home. 
And after several hours, they returned. :)
Campbell. Thrilled about his duck eggs 
and quite happy to let Chap know that all eggs are NOT equal. :)
We are supposed to look them in the eyes to see if they're poisonous. Seriously?! :) 
The good news is...sometimes things that seem big and awful are not! 
Boys thoroughly enjoy every encounter with the creatures we find. 
Charlie has sided barns, demolished houses, driven the Amish, milked cows,
put up fencing, trimmed trees, washed hog barns, delivered calves and hauled hay. 

Blessed by wonderful opportunities for him to work on local farms 
and learn really good stuff!
Christian started a business this summer called The Lawn Boy. 
His motto is "YOU GROW IT, I'LL MOW IT!" This is one of his very lovely yards. :)
Daddy visited with our friend from Iowa before speaking in San Jose 
and then filming an interview in Berkeley.
Twenty five years ago was the meeting that started all our AGENDA projects!
 Folks have NOT gotten more level headed around here since then. :)
One of Daddy's great friends and encouragers! 
Good time catching up after working on the interview.
Family Camp at Village Creek in Lansing Iowa!
We love the preaching, fellowship with other families, yummy meals (huge break for Mommies), 
topical projects, teaching and much to do outside in the water and beautiful mountains.
Getting ready to tube...
...and off they go!
Music by lots of different families. Not just ours. :)
 Love this lake! Vigilant lifeguards, swimmers and paddlers abound. 
Tree climbing optional. :)
Our favorite speaker again. :) 
Amazing message on homeschooling, family and being purposeful.
Archery. Very fun. :)
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks! 
Just knowing good things are in the works helps everyone relax more. Especially the guys. :)
LOVED that our dear ones showed up from their honeymoons in 
Wisconsin and Colorado for the last day or so of Camp! 
Bible time in the bus altogether.
Return to the Mississippi! :) 
Last year on this trip our brides and grooms were just barely visiting. 
Praise the Lord for His entirely marvelous plan!
Josh and Cassidy graciously invited their 9 groomsmen up to Wisconsin 
to have church and help "clean out the fridge" before they left their 
little honeymoon cabin. :)
Sweetness abounds! What groomsmen get to show up for fellowship and good cooking at the end of their sister's honeymoon?!! 'Tis why we love our Cass and her new husband SO MUCH!! 
Carver used his amazing carpentry skills to transform our cargo trailer into the boy's dorm.
 This will be their rustic headquarters as we travel this Fall.  
Thrift store dresser became a permanent part of the scene.
Storage section and hanging closet space is perfect! :)
Love these boys! They are beyond energetic and ALWAYS up to something. Can you tell? :)
  It was a whirlwind month but we're getting the hang of it!
Grateful to the Lord for all He's teaching us along the way.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the great pictures!

We are missing Ya'll!

Carson & Carolina

Elizabeth. said...

So much love for everything except for the snake, haha! ;) Grateful for your ever-present example of showing Gospel love to whoever is in front of you!

Allison said...

LOVE this very fun update! We miss our Bowers....please come back soon!!!