Monday, December 22, 2014

Winter Things

Ornaments and door hangers made for friends & family with the names of God.
Little people aerobics led by Christian
Friends performing at an amazing Christmas handbell concert.
Looked at millions of twinkling lights on the river
 with Mrs. Johnson's World Famous Banana Bread and lots of cozy scarves and mittens.
Sticks + whatever "needs to go" = family favorite: BONFIRE!

There's no place like home sweet home, especially in the snow.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Favorites from Fall

The sheep that travel and graze in the area. Tradition for the past 70 years.
Shepherds from Peru named John and Jordan.
Practiced Spanish, sang hymns and had apple cobbler while they charged their phones
 (and celebrated  Crosby's  birthday!)
Already FOUR! So thankful for our Gingersnap!
Recorded "We Gather Together".
Carver, the family songbird: anonymous folks say he sings like an angel. 
Stocking up for the Winter!
Team work at its finest.
Family Picture Practice Round One: Decided this was neither proper location nor correct apparel. :)
Practice Round Two: Still not there, but at least sitting down?! 
20 minutes later: parental pep talk for the Next Round. 
They even smell sweet. :)
Final Round: Four hundred pictures later.  :)

Soup & Singing Night
Gathered friends and neighbors to sing hymns and share God's blessings from the year.
Good conversations; lovely songs.
Cassidy made it all sound so much BETTER!
Love these sweet sisters.

Took turns reciting, singing, playing and finished off with dessert. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Day

Happy day of giving thanks to the Lord!
Ate and sang. Then...sang and ate. :)
Thank you Lord.... for longtime friends, a delicious feast, and beautiful music! 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Conference Highlights

At the end of October, Carolina, Cassidy and Charlie hopped on a plane and headed for 
The Power of the Gospel Conference in Asheville, NC. Our sweet friends kindly piled them in their already packed van full of people and stuff! They had a great time learning and catching up with old friends. It even snowed, and all were refreshed with a better understanding of many Bible truths. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday to Monday

One of our crazier weeks on record started Monday, October 6, with a visit from Trevor Loudon (AGENDA),
who stayed with us briefly on his US tour. We taught him how to play frisbee. :) 
Interviewed him for AGENDA 2. Christian was the sound guy. :)
Sometimes we just don't get it all together at the same time. :)
No visit to the great state of Idaho is complete without a trip to the shooting range, so we went there, too.

Another must: local orchards for yummy apples and pears. 

Monday night speaking event: Mission Aviation Fellowship. The boys home away from home: a book table!
Trevor did a very good job, and remains one of our favorites in all things AGENDA. 
One of our friends, Colonel Curtis Bowers, joined us that evening, too.
A strong Christian and incredible patriot. Yes, they really do have the same name!
Next day, Bami and Poppy came to town to babysit the little ones (and Old Yeller) and we headed to
 Ocean Shores, Washington.
Stopped at our friends the Placzeks on the way. Can you tell they live on a mountaintop? Stunning.
The parents visitin' room. 11 pm: All children alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic. :)
Adorable Placzek littles with very cheerful popsicles
Sweet friends, who took good care of us even though they were leaving for the same conference the next morning!
The obvious reason Aunties and Grannies squeeze baby cheeks. :)
Ironing out the details for....something BIG. Really big. :)
Because sugar works so well late at night. :)
Anna's 12th Birthday. Pink boots in the box. I think Idaho has finally rubbed off. :)

Some of my favorite boys on earth. Mt. Rainier behind them.
Took us almost longer to get across WA state with all our snapping cameras than with all our little ones! Very beautiful.
Just one of many scenic stops along the way.
Loved our time here! Conference was hosted by Christian Heritage, and
we sang several times, spoke on various panels and learned many wonderful things. 
So blessed by the wisdom of Gregg Harris, who is also in AGENDA 2.
One of my new favorite homeschool mommas, Mrs. Craig
Over a thousand people learning 4 part harmony: Oh, For A Thousand Tounges To Sing! 
  Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul is just a really fun song!
Someone's darlin' sleepy girl.
LOVE the packed out, back of the room Momma section.
The rest of the incredibly gifted Craig family. Very cute little ones sang, too.
Oh, so many decisions!
One of the panels we were on. Curtis told the amazing story of the Harley motorcycle guy and the gospel tract.
Trivia, using everyone's cell phones.
Heading for breakfast after Ultimate Frisbee on the beach.
Keeping Papa's glasses safe. HA!
Isaac and Charles following the Sunday morning service on the freezing cold beach
This is for the young and brave. Shivering, teeth chattering....
Lina and Jessica, happy and NOT soaked
Classic Crockett moment. 
Daddies on the beach. Love it.
Headed for home once we got everyone dry. Managed to collect about half a beach of sand. :)
Truly productive and wonderful time....Praise the Lord!!
Stopped by Multnomah Falls after Portland. Took tons of B-Roll, had roasted cashews and a very happy hike. 
Very rare to have just big ones with us. So appreciated Bami and Poppy and all the antics going on at home!
The happy hike. Actually, I think they need a happy nap more.

Got home around 2am Monday morning. Thankful for a safe trip and all the ways God kindly blessed and cared for us.
Charlie got back to work helping catch up on things in honor of Curtis' Birthday. :)
Finishing the fences. Chap and Campbell (also known as Butter) watching Charles start the fires.
Oh dear. Sent them in and told them to stay put until they were friends.
Fabulous bonding usually means fabulous building. This time they used everything in the bathroom. :)
 Daddy's 49th Birthday on Monday night, October 13
Whew! Looking a little wilted but loved having our faithful baby-sitters still here for the occasion!
Had a great time eating yummy things, and ended with a frisbee fest. 
Gluten free peach cobbler by Cassidy 

 Love, love, love!
Thankful for our Bami and Poppy!!
When he's good he's very, very good and when he's happy, he's happy!
 Crosby Virginia again. Because she is the baby girl around here. :)
Sideline spectator seating, where very few frisbees fly. Supposedly. :)
Poppy's all star catch.....
.....that we almost missed while chattin 'away. 
Oh, the suspense of it all. :)
Can't believe we packed all this into ONE crazy week!
God is gracious to give us little adventures as well as cozy seasons at home.
 Let's hope this is the beginning of something quiet by the fire.
Hmmmm. We shall see. :)