Saturday, September 29, 2012

September Photos

Corporate meeting in the wheelbarrow
"Quantity Discount" sticker party before breakfast: Hosted by Carver and Christian

Checking to see if anyone remembers how all this stuff works

A real live concrete truck...thrill of the day for the Bowers' men

Too bad it didn't stay that lovely warm copper color:) Think Band-aid pink. Really.

Recording for an AGENDA promo project

Oh WOW. Is he yawning or belting his part? And his Mother is concentrating waaaay too hard.

Blessed by Carolina who decided the table was looking a bit bare

Practicing chivalry and grass pickin"

Just getting ready to nab her apple 

Just getting ready to nab his shovel
Legendary Producer Mario Pellegrini

Beautiful Yosemite. Thankfully he didn't fall off the rock.

Entomology 101

Pardon me that the Chatanooga Choo Choo?

Sugar and Spice, now with Popcorn:)

Finally! On the way to an organized coat of paint.

Cassidy's nature walks are the best!

Relocated about 70 feet of books to the stairs until further notice....Cass loves her new library.

In an uncertain world, we are blessed by daughters who make beautiful Challah bread.


Shelbi said...

Wow, Carolina & Cassidy--- I'd never even heard of Challah bread, but it looks amazing!! And Cassidy, I love the looks of your new library as well. : )

Thank y'all for keeping up the blog...we love reading it and can't wait for Agenda II!

Many hellos from our Whooping House,

Shelbi M. : )

j said...

Love the pictures!!!! Sure miss ya'll!!! Crosby has changed the most!!! She looks like her firecracker of a brother, Crocket!!! Excited about Agenda 2 and know it will go well.
